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More Mindfulness in 5-Minutes a Day

Learn to develop a new mindfulness practice in just 5-minutes a day. Doing this just 5 minutes a day can help you improve focus, self-compassion, mood, immune function and get better sleep!

A quick step-by-step mindfulness guide with 50+ ideas to start your mindfulness journey PLUS a journaling space to track your thoughts and experiences with mindfulnesss

"But I just can't sit still!" Will I be able to "do" mindfulness?

To practice mindfulness, you don’t need any special skill, you already have it!

Mindfulness is part of who we are as humans. Putting mindfulness into practice is to pay attention to where we are and what’s going on, and that starts with being aware of our body.

You are worthy of 5-minutes a day (and more!)

Get 50+ ideas to start your mindfulness journey

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